Darkest Dungeon Wiki
Enemy Type Bloodsucker
Size Average
Drops A_Courtyard x1

Blood_Rare x1

Actions per round Turnticker
Variation Supplicant Supplicant Supplicant
HP 12 17 23
HP (Stygian/Bloodmoon) 15 21 28
Dodge 0 8.75 21.25
Protection 20 20 20
Speed 1 2 3
Tray stealth Stealth None None None
Poptext stun Stun 150% 170% 190%
Poptext poison Blight 50% 70% 90%
Poptext bleed Bleed 15% 35% 55%
Poptext debuff Debuff 40% 60% 80%
Poptext move Move 25% 45% 65%

There are many different bloodsucking parasites living in the swamp. Ticks are one of the creatures that feed on the blood of others and spread horrible diseases with their bites. The Crimson Curse found new carriers in these insects, changing these tiny, parasitic pests into something far more horrible.

Latching onto a host, the Supplicant sucks the blood from its victim, growing bigger and bigger until it becomes too heavy and bloated to move, its legs incapable of carrying its own body weight. Instead of letting their prey go, they keep a firm grip on the head of their victim, slowly chewing and digesting skin and flesh, digging their tentacle-like mandibles into the exposed brain, eventually turning their host into an unwilling puppet that will carry them wherever they want. At this point they become predatory once more, forcing their host to walk to new hunting grounds so that they can feast on the blood of whatever prey may live there. When facing these bloated parasites, watch out for their bite, for there is a chance that your heroes can succumb to the disease themselves.


The Supplicant is a Bloodsucker type enemy that is native to the Courtyard, but can be found in any area when infestation is active, usually with Sycophants. They appear as a huge, engorged tick grabbing onto a desiccated corpse. While not particularly tough or hard-hitting, they can inflict the Crimson Curse, and can consistently modify enemy formation, which could disrupt a hero's attack.

The Supplicant will usually use its weaker move, Gather the Blood, if it can, since it has a much higher chance to use it over Predigestion (4x/3x/3x higher chance on Apprentice/Veteran/Champion). However, Supplicants are also often in the back ranks, pushed there either by heroes or by other enemies moving forward (e.g. an Esquire using Skewering Repartee). They are also slightly more likely (2x/3x/3x) to target marked heroes with any attack.


The Supplicant's abilities may appear weak at first glance, but do not underestimate them—Predigestion, in particular, can be a powerful move, especially as it leaves you more vulnerable to bleed attacks from other Bloodsucker enemies, namely Chevaliers and Esquires. The blight, in the right situation may actually be useful, as it will be transferred to any Sycophants using The Thirst.

The main potential danger of Supplicants is that they move forward with every attack, displacing more important targets to the back and typically allowing them to do much more powerful moves like the Esquire's Skewering Repartee.

Supplicants are fairly unique in being a non-boss enemy that is effectively immune to stuns, even with upgraded abilities and trinkets (others with this distinction, the Bone Bearer and Hateful Virago, are limited to Champion difficulty). Combined with their 20% PROT, this makes the Supplicant a difficult enemy to either kill quickly or disable, and it should still be considered low priority compared to other potentially devastating Bloodsuckers.


Apprentice Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Gather the Blood Melee 1,2 1,2,3,4 77.5% 0% 2-5 Vampire passive 31% Crimson Curse Poptext move Forward 4
Predigestion Melee 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 77.5% 4% 1-5 Poptext poison 100% Blight 2
Poptext debuff 100% Debuff: -25% Bleed Resist
Poptext move Forward 1

Veteran Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Gather the Blood Melee 1,2 1,2,3,4 83.75% 4% 2-6 Vampire passive 31% Crimson Curse Poptext move Forward 4
Predigestion Melee 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 83.75% 9% 2-6 Poptext poison 120% Blight 3
Poptext debuff 120% Debuff: -25% Bleed Resist
Poptext move Forward 1

Champion Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Gather the Blood Melee 1,2 1,2,3,4 97.5% 7% 3-8 Vampire passive 31% Crimson Curse Poptext move Forward 4
Predigestion Melee 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 97.5% 12% 2-9 Poptext poison 140% Blight 4
Poptext debuff 140% Debuff: -25% Bleed Resist
Poptext move Forward 1

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  • The Supplicant bears a great resemblance to Headcrab Zombies from the Half-Life series, both of which are bodies controlled by a parasitic arthropod attached to the head (albeit the tick attached to the Supplicant is much bigger).
  • Supplicants are one of the only (non-boss) Bloodsucker type enemies to not have a Bloodlust form, the others being the Chevalier and Gatekeeper.
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